Saturdays @ 5:30PM and Sundays @ 9:00AM + 10:30AM |Watch our latest sermon here!

Made New


At Christ Community, we practice believer’s baptism in which we baptize people at a time when they are able to verbalize their confession of faith in Jesus Christ and want to publicly declare their commitment to the Lord. Christ Community Church believes that children are a gift from God, and our Child Dedication services are a wonderful tradition where we recognize and celebrate parents publicly declaring their commitment to teach their kids the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Click HERE for more information on Child Dedication.

Going Public With Your Faith

Baptism Weekend - 11/23+24 | During Services
We believe our faith is personal, but not private - and baptism is going public with your faith! Is this your next step? Click the link to below to sign up! If you have questions but aren’t quite ready yet, please email Emily at   
Register by Monday, November 11th.



If you'd like to know more about baptisms, we invite you to watch this sermon below: