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As a generous church, CCC serves our neighbors best by bringing them the gospel message of the saving grace available to them through faith in Jesus Christ. CCC has neighbors next door, down the road, across town, east, south, west, and around the world.

"And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere." Acts 1:8

Interested in learning more about our global missions opportunities and trips? 

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Missions this Fall!

We have so many exciting things happening in Missions this Fall at CCC! Learn more below.


Upcoming Mission Trips

Looking for student-specific mission trips? Head over here!


When: January 11-18, 2025
Leaders: Anton & Christina Welke



When: February 7-16, 2025
Leaders: Karl & Martha Kirkman



When: February 20-March 4, 2025
Leaders: Liz Traff & Amy Majsterski



When: July 29-August 3, 2025
Leaders: Zelda Berg


Local Partners

CCC Rochester Outreach

Next Chapter Ministries - Next Chapter’s mission is to build lasting relationships with people who have been impacted by crime, restoring them to God, family, and community with the Gospel of God. CCC will provide donations and help with indoor and outdoor maintenance projects.  

New Life Family Services - At New Life Family Services, we believe each person should have the ability to receive physical, emotional, and spiritual support as they face pregnancy-related situations and circumstances. We walk beside each client offering them love and support to make informed and educated decisions in their time of need by providing free pregnancy and STD testing, ultrasounds, parenting education, adoption services, and post abortion healing.

Young Life, Rochester MN - Young Life's mission is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.​ Young Life doesn't start with a program. It starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.

MN Adult and Teen Challenge - The mission of Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge is to assist teens and adults in gaining freedom from chemical addictions and other life controlling problems by addressing their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. They offer both a long-term, faith-based recovery program and short-term licensed treatment program, allowing them to effectively serve individuals with a broad spectrum of addiction issues; from those seeking treatment for the first time, to those who have been struggling with addiction for many years.

Damascus Way - Damascus Way Reentry Center provides reentry leadership and services using a Christ-Centered approach. Their core service model supports residents with: a stable housing pathway, employment and career readiness programming, and healthy community connections-all aiming at reversing the cycle of recidivism.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. They seek to make disciples through methods of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same. 

Together for Good - Together for Good offers tangible opportunities to do good as they come alongside vulnerable children and isolated parents. Their volunteers offer practical help by hosting children during times of parental crisis and surround families with ongoing relational support through their network of care. 

Arrive Ministries - Arrive Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization dedicated to the cause of the refugee and immigrant. They empower local churches to welcome and serve displaced refugees who resettle in Minnesota. Arrive Ministries is comprised of refugees, staff, members of faith communities, and volunteers who are learning to see Jesus reflected in the faces of one another.

Salt & Light Partners - Salt & Light Partners' mission is to provide emotional and spiritual support through workplace chaplaincy in our community. 

Global Partners

North America

Amanda Kundert - Intervarsity: InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a campus ministry that has had a vital presence on hundreds of college campuses for over 75 years, courageously proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Savior, engaging in discipleship around Scripture, and loving people of every ethnicity and culture. Amanda serves full-time with InterVarsity at the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire where she coaches the student leadership team, equips students to share the gospel in their context, and trains students in inductive manuscript Bible study. Amanda especially enjoys discipling students one-on-one and teaching at retreats and conferences in the region! 

Operation Christmas Child (OCC): Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan's Purse, has delivered millions of gift-filled shoeboxes to boys and girls around the world. Their mission is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.

Dakota Alliance Church - Sisseton, South Dakota: For over a decade, CCC has sent a mission team to Sisseton, South Dakota, a small town on the Lake Traverse Reservation. There the team partners with the Dakota Alliance Church, which is primarily Native American. During the week the team hosts a Vacation Bible School for the kids, serves meals to the team and the church, enjoys campfires together, holds community outreach events, plays sports and games with community youths, and generally continues to strengthen the relationship with our Christ-following brothers and sisters in Sisseton.

Creating Hope 4 Cambodia: CCC sponsors stateless Vietnamese students at our missions partner New Hope Schools in Cambodia. Each November, our annual Creating Hope 4 Cambodia event (founded in 2009 by Marti Ogren) raises the funds to keep these students in school. If you’d like to be a part of this Fundraiser event, contact Amy Majsterski.

Central America

Mission 2535 - Dominican Republic: Mission 2535 knows from experience that a mission trip is an opportunity to connect with God on a practical level and enrich the lives of others through their service. Mission 2535 is committed to facilitating this opportunity for you to be involved in a short-term mission trip and see what a difference you can make in our beloved, impoverished communities of the Dominican Republic.


Karl & Martha Kirkman and Year-Round Team - West Africa: This year-round missionary team, joined each winter by our own Karl & Martha Kirkman, teach English lessons to university students at the team's youth center. Through these lessons, relationships are developed that provide opportunities to go deeper into God's story and to introduce the students to Jesus.

Heather Lytle - The Hope of Africa - Uganda & South Africa: Hope of Africa is a 501(3)(c) organization that exists to improve the lives of vulnerable youth through education, leadership, and community development. Our vision is to create a vibrant community of ministry leaders, university graduates and students that love Jesus and are strategically equipped to serve the Lord through their local churches or business. 

Southeast Asia- Cambodia

Marie Ens - Place of Rescue - Cambodia: Rescue Cambodia is a haven for families living with HIV/AIDS, orphan children and elderly women who have been left destitute. Rescue's three locations offer help to the helpless and hope to the hopeless in Jesus’ name. Rescue offers a good future. Even when our orphan children grow up and move into adulthood, they can always call "Rescue" home. CCC's kidcity sponsors four of these students and CCC families sponsor additional children; contact Danae Goetz if you would like to know more about sponsoring a child.

Dave and Chris Manfred - Cambodia: Dave and Chris Manfred have been serving with Alliance Missions in Cambodia for more than 25 years.  David has been the Field Director, overseeing the Alliance’s ministry in Cambodia, for nearly 20 years. Our team consists of more than 30 adults serving in:  Christian leadership development through two Bible schools, medical work, church planting amongst unreached peoples and places, Bible translation (currently working on 2 different translations).  Chris oversees the Alliance “Family Home” which is a Christian Guest House for the broader mission community in Cambodia.  She has also overseen a new addiction recovery center ministry.  From March 2020 to June 2021, the Alliance Missions team was privileged to see 20 new house churches started throughout Cambodia.

Soueth and Syna Lao - Cambodia: Soeuth and Syna are Cambodian Americans who came to the States separately in the early 1980's as teenage refugees and attended school in the USA. In 1995, God called them back to serve Him in their homeland; they are currently based in the Anlong Veng district in the northern part of the country. Their ministry focuses are facilitating National Khmer Evangelical Church (KEC) youth ministry, discipleship & leadership training, and working closely with northwest region church plant ministries. The Laos are blessed to serve alongside faithful, committed, humble and God-fearing KEC leaders; they find that the field is ready for harvest and the workloads are plenty, but few trained workers are available and the need for more national workers to join is great. Although Along Veng has dark histories from the Killing Field/Pol Pot regime, God has miraculously turned this dark soil (which was once soaked with human blood) to become a living field where 22 Alliance house churches have been planted between 2017- 2024! 

New Hope Schools - Cambodia: These three schools in Cambodia serve 200 students, ages 5-14, who are from stateless Vietnamese families. In Cambodia, these people are considered the least of these and live in extreme poverty.  Because of the generations of poverty, the goal of the schools is to give these families hope, education, break the cycle of poverty, and teach them about Jesus. The cost to sponsor one student's education is $220 a year; CCC's annual Creating Hope 4 Cambodia fundraiser raises the funds to sponsor 80+ of these students.

Western Asia

Mark and Melissa - Middle East: Mark and Melissa's main ministry is digitally reaching the lost (evangelism) and building up new and existing believers (discipleship), using the internet and digital devices for turning the lost into Christ-centered multiplying disciples.